RARA Logo Ridley Avenue Residents Association Neighbourhood Watch - Meerkats

the rara committee

RARA is run by a committee of residents who meet on a regular basis to discuss and act on issues raised at the regular residents meetings. The committee is elected every year at the RARA AGM which takes place in March. At present, the committee has four members including an Acting Co-ordinator and Secretary.

The Acting Co-ordinator chairs both the committee and residents meetings. Where a vote is taken that results in a tie, the Acting Co-ordinator has the casting vote.

The Secretary is reponsible for taking minutes at both committee and residents meetings and for producing meeting invitations, agendas and other publications issued by RARA.

If you are a resident of Ridley Avenue then you can become a member of the committee and help with the work of RARA. If you are interested, please email us and let us know.


RARA operates under a constitution that was adopted at the first residents meeting in March 2003. The constitution lays out the aims of the organisation, who is eligible to be a member, how many meetings have to be held and how the committee works.

You can download a copy of the RARA Constitution in Adobe PDF format
(size 33Kb - updated 31 January 2005)

Email: info@rara.org.uk       © RARA 2004-2009       Site last updated: Wednesday 10 June 2009